Friday, October 23, 2015


Image result for HeraNow I'm going to talk about Hera. She is married to Zeus the king of the gods. She was the only girl child that came from Khronos. The king titan not from (Teen Titans) from Greek  mythology. She is the wife of Zeus, actually the godly wife of Zeus. Her animals are the cow, the lion, and the peacock. She usually punishes her husband's demigod children because she's jealous of her husband going around giving birth with other woman. She usually hates her husband's children but some got on her good side. Like Jason in the old stories. Here's a picture of her with a peacock.
Image result for Hera with a peacock


Today I'll be talking about Hades the Greek god of the Underworld. Hades is kind of different from the other gods. After all he's the only god that doesn't completely control his area. He needs Thanotos but that's another story. He I think is the only god with a pet. Cerberus is his pet. People who don't know about Greek mythology always think he's a bad guy. Which is wrong because all the gods are good. Here's a picture of the ruler of the Underworld himself with his pet Cerberus and holding his helm of darkness. Cerberus is a dog with three heads raised by Hades. His helm of darkness allows him do melt into shadows and become invisible.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Image result for Poseidon

Today I'll be talking about Poseidon the Greek god of the water. There is a lot to talk about with Poseidon. He has many minions to such as mermaids, fish centaurs, and his sons and wife. Well not all of his sons and daughters. Here's a picture Poseidon the ruler of the sea. He basically owns the ocean.
He also has his Trident his weapon he uses for battle. He created horses so that is technically his sacred animal. In Athens (The ancient Greek capitol) Which he lost a contest to Athena to be patron of Athens he gave a saltwater fountain as his gift and Athena gave them the Olive tree. She won because of that.

Monday, October 12, 2015


This is going to be about the Greek and Roman gods. First I'm going to start with the Greek gods.

I'll be posting every Monday and maybe less on some weeks and more on some weeks.

 First Zeus the Greek god of the sky. He rules over Aeolis who rules over the four wind gods Boreas Lotus and the other two wind gods. Zeus also has many minions including harpies, kind wind spirits, and many more. He's the king of the gods. He also has a Roman aspect I'll tell you in the future. People worship him because they fear he will wreak havoc on them if they don't worship him. He "fathered" Athena but that's a story for another time.
 His weapon the master bolt is a powerful weapon. It was made from Cyclopes forges in the bottom of the sea. Which his brother Poseidon controls. I'll even show you a picture of Zeus holding  the master bolt.
Image result for statues of Zeus holding the master bolt